Sander Molenkamp is principal cloud architect and Microsoft Azure MVP with over 20 years of professional experience. He works for Info Support ( designing and developing customer solutions using cloud native architectures. Sander is passionate about community and is co-organizer of the Dutch Azure Meetup and a host on the dotnetFlix podcast (
Session: eShop on Dapr: Build microservice applications the easy way
Dapr is an open-source, event-driven, portable runtime for building microservices. It provides powerful building blocks to make it easy for developers to build resilient microservice applications using a variety of languages and frameworks.
In this session, we’ll introduce the Dapr building blocks and show how they can be applied to ‘eShop on Containers’; a .NET microservices reference application. You’ll learn about both the benefits and the limitations of using Dapr in your microservice applications.