Peter is a +20 year IT expert, with a background in Microsoft datacenter technologies. Since early 2012, Peter started shifting to cloud technologies (Office 365, Intune), and quickly jumped onto the Azure platform, working as cloud solution architect and trainer. Mid 2019, Peter took on a position as Azure Technical Trainer within Microsoft Corp, providing Azure Readiness Workshops to larger customers and partners within the EMEA Region and global, with a focus on Azure DevOps, Apps and Infra and SAP workloads.
Peter was an Azure MVP for 5 years, is a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) for +12 years and still actively involved in the community as public speaker, technical writer, book author and publisher.
You can follow peter on twitter @pdtit and check his technical blog on
Session : ACR, ACI, ACS, AKS, DCK… aka the Container Alphabet Soup
The world is wild about Containers, and so is Azure! Where container support has been part of the Azure platform for almost 3 years now, based on the recent amount of questions I got on the topic, it seems most partners and customers are only looking at it now. Which comes with the related confusion in terminology and capabilities. And that’s exactly what I will show you during my session: how to run Docker (DCK) containers in Azure, by using the different Azure Container solutions available. Starting from the basics, moving to more complex architectures and scenarios. And as usual in Peter’s sessions, more live demos than PPTX-talk